Boho Style Is Back: A Guide to the Best Pieces to Shop Now

How to wear the flowy, maximalist look in a way that feels fresh and contemporary.

by Christina Holevas

A Model wearing a paisley scarf dress against a blue backdrop
Photograph by Nadine Ijewere; Styled by Ola-Oluwa Ebiti.
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If you’re old enough to remember the early aughts dominance of bohemian style, you’re probably old enough to know this fashion law to be true — what goes out will eventually come back in again. That’s right, boho style is gaining on minimalism as the reigning aesthetic of the season. And with brands like Rabanne, Isabel Marant, and Chemena Kamali’s new Chloé leading the charge, it’s actually looking surprisingly fresh. In 2024, the hippie-inspired aesthetic isn’t an exact replica of runways past. This new iteration is decidedly more glam: it’s a bit cleaner and gets its power from a combination of luxe materials, monochromatic colors, and voluminous shapes. If you’re wondering about how to wear it again, we’ve got you covered with our edit of the best new bohemian styles to buy and wear right now.

Start With a Flowy Blouse

Or a Dress

Or Go Boho on the Bottom

Add a Boho Bag

And the Right Shoes

And of Course, All the Extras