Selena Gomez Has a Message For Body Shamers on TikTok: “Bitch, I’m Perfect The Way I Am”

by Carolyn Twersky Winkler

Selena Gomez
Taylor Hill/FilmMagic/Getty Images

Over the years, Selena Gomez has been very outspoken about her struggles, both with body image and mental health. And now that the actress has been fully embracing TikTok, she has another platform where she can speak her mind. Over the weekend, Gomez posted on her TikTok Stories, a new feature on the app where the videos disappear after just 24 hours. In the video, Gomez speaks directly to all of her body shamers, and though the clip has now vanished into the ether, Gomez fan accounts recorded in for posterity.

In the clip, Gomez sits in bed, her new bang and bob hairstyle on full display. “So I be trying to stay skinny, but I went to Jack in the Box and I got four tacos, three egg rolls, onion rings, and a spicy chicken sandwich,” Gomez says. “But honestly, I don't care about my weight because people bitch about it anyway.” She then goes on to mock various comments she’s heard about her body over the years. “‘You're too small,’ ‘You're too big,’ ‘That doesn't fit,’” she recalls. The actress finishes off her message by looking directly into the camera to really drive home her point. “Bitch, I am perfect the way I am,” she says, before adding, “Moral of the story? Bye.”

Back in 2019, Gomez spoke about her “weight fluctuations” on her old video podcast, Giving Back Generation. "I have lupus and deal with kidney issues and high blood pressure, so I deal with a lot of health issues, and for me that's when I really started noticing more of the body image stuff," she said while talking to her friend, Raquelle Stevens. “It's the medication I have to take for the rest of my life,” she said, explaining that her weight can change as often as month by month. “So for me, I really noticed when people started attacking me for that. And in reality, that's just my truth. I fluctuate. It depends what's happening in my life.”

Three years later, and it seems like some people still haven’t gotten the message. And while Gomez’s TikTok story may have disappeared, hopefully her sentiment does not.