The Movie Lover

With his taste for stylized violence, director Quentin Tarantino courts controversy at every turn. But as his latest film, Django Unchained, reveals, what really excites him is a happy ending. Click here to read the article by Lynn Hirschberg.
Calvin Klein Collection mohair blazer and cotton shirt. Dents glove.
Nichole Galicia first met Quentin Tarantino when she auditioned for the part of a cheerleader in his movie Death Proof. “I got to the audition in my little cheerleader outfit with my pom-poms,” says the actress, who was born in Panama, grew up in New York and Madrid, and began her career in front of the camera as a model. “Six girls in the room were identically dressed. I was the only non-blonde there, and I didn’t get the part.” Fast-forward several years: Galicia rented a Gone With the Wind–style ballgown to try out for the part of Sheba, the favored slave of Candie, the evil plantation lord played by Leonardo DiCaprio in Django Unchained. “I was the only one dressed up at that audition. There’s something about going all the way—this time Quentin gave me the part.” While they were filming, DiCaprio stayed in character, which meant he was protective of Sheba/Galicia all the time. “Everyone keeps asking me what it’s like to kiss Leo!” Galicia says. “Even as Candie, he’s dreamy.”
Tom Ford silk robe and cotton shirt.