Michelle Obama Dishes On Malia & Sasha's Grown Up Lives

There comes a moment in every parent’s life where their perspective shifts and they can finally see their children as the adults they have become. For Michelle Obama, it was when her daughter’s Malia and Sasha served her a charcuterie board.
In an interview with Robin Roberts on 20/20 in advance of the release of her new book, The Light We Carry, Michelle shared a story about her daughters hosting a little snack and cocktail evening at their shared Los Angeles apartment.
“They had prepared a charcuterie tray and tried to make two very weak martinis,” she said. “They realized they didn't have any of the ingredients, but they were trying to, they were hosting us. And it's just fun, watching them become themselves.”
The Cut noted that she shared the story again while talking to the Today Show’s Jenna Bush Hager and Hoda Kotb, saying then, “The martinis were a little weak. I don’t think they really knew what it was.”
Those must have been terrible martinis. Or maybe the subtext is that she needed a stronger martini to deal with the fact that both her girls are of legal drinking age.
Even if she does feel a pang over them being all grown up, Michelle told Roberts that she thinks it’s “wonderful” that Sasha and Malia are adults who are dating other adults. Malia is in a relationship with British bloke Rory Farquharson, and Sasha has been romantically linked to Clifton Powell Jr., the son of actor Clifton Powell Sr.
“I want them to know what they want and who they are in a relationship,” she said. “And that takes trying on some people.”
And her husband, Barack Obama, allegedly feels the same.
“Look, they are 24 and 21,” Michelle explained. “They were in high school. They went to prom. They've lived life. And he's learned how to be a concerned Black father, but not crazy.”
While speaking with Kotb and Hager, the former First Lady emphasized how the most important relationship she sees is the one they have with each other.
“The thing I love the most is that those two girls are each other’s best friends,” she said. “To see them in that place when they’re one another’s support systems and they’ve got each other’s backs — it’s the thing a mother would want.”