Madonna Admits She Regrets Turning Down Roles in Batman Returns and The Matrix

Everybody has regrets in life, even Madonna. Though of course, the iconic singer’s regrets are probably just a little bit different than that of the average person. In fact, they just so happen to involve some of the biggest movies of the last 50 years. While on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon on Thursday night, Madonna revealed some movie roles she was offered throughout her storied career that she still wishes she hadn’t passed up.
In a segment on the late-night show, Fallon read rumors about the singer, who then clarified if they were in fact true. We learned that one of Madonna’s first jobs when she moved to Manhattan was at a Dunkin’ Donuts and she got fired for “playing with the jelly squirter” and “Vogue” was supposed to be a B-side because some didn’t think it was “strong enough” to be released as a single. Fallon then got to Madonna’s acting career, asking if she really turned down the role of Catwoman in Batman Returns, which Madonna revealed is true.
“I regret that I turned down Catwoman,” Madonna admitted. “That was pretty fierce,” she said, referring to Michelle Pfeiffer’s depiction of the character. She also revealed she turned down the lead in Showgirls, a decision that doesn’t seem to torment her as much. Madonna then added that she also rejected a role in The Matrix. “That’s like one of the best movies ever made,” she said. “A teeny tiny part of me regrets just that one moment in my life.”
While Madonna didn’t specify which role she was offered in The Matrix, let’s assume it was Trinity, a character portrayed by Carrie-Anne Moss in all three movies (and the upcoming The Matrix Resurrection). Who knows, though, maybe Madonna got a chance to right her wrong and was able to get a role in the upcoming fourth film. Something tells me she has enough leather to clothe her own character, no costume designer required.