Heidi Klum’s Worm Costume Just Won Halloween

No that isn’t an anthropomorphized slab of bacon, it’s Heidi Klum, returning to reclaim her much-deserved title as the Queen of Halloween. On Monday night, the model held her first Heidiween party since 2019, and she went absolutely all out for her costume. Klum attended the event as an enormous, slimy worm, with a body filled with ridged skin. Honestly, it could have been anyone in that worm suit, but the eyes, nose, and mouth that managed to peeked through were undoubtedly Klum.
The costume was only half of it, however. Once Klum got on the red carpet, she was in full character, flopping around and wrestling with her husband, Tom Kaulitz, who was dressed up as some sort of one-eyed fisherman for the event. At one point, Kaulitz leaned over to kiss his wormy wife, before basking in the glory of his catch.
Klum was also joined by her daughter, Leni, who made her debut at Heidi’s Halloween bash. Leni, though, went for a much more conventional look, opting to dress as Michelle Pfeiffer’s Catwoman for the occasion, as opposed to joining in on the family costume as, say, a fish.
While a weekend of endless Halloween content on social media may have tired us out ahead of the actual holiday on Monday, Klum’s extravagant costume and love for the holiday was the refreshment we needed to get us through the final stretch. It was also a reminder that absolutely no one does it like Klum. The model has been teasing this costume since June, when she originally posted a video on Instagram of her seemingly getting scanned, likely so her prosthetics team, Prosthetic Renaissance Inc., could make a worm suit to fit her body. Then, in September, she revealed she was a bit nervous about this year’s costume. "I don't think I've ever felt as claustrophobic as I will feel that night," she said to People. "I have a thing about feeling claustrophobic." It seemed that once Klum got her photo taken and made it into her party, however, she may have taken off the worm suit, so as not to succumb to her claustrophobia. While it’s sad to think Klum didn’t do the worm in that suit until early into the morning, we don’t blame her for ditching the costume. Being in that thing all night at a crowded party is a fate we wouldn’t wish on even our worst enemy.
See a complete history of Klum’s eye-popping Halloween costumes here.