Gwyneth Paltrow Shares a Rare Photo of Her Son for His 17th Birthday

Gwyneth Paltrow’s son Moses has turned 17 (or somewhere around 12,410 half-days of skiing in Gwyneth time), and the star celebrated by posting a rare photo on Instagram. “Happy 17th birthday to the boy that fills my soul up every time I look at him,” wrote Paltrow in the caption. “[Moses Martin,] you are the most exceptional, kind, loving human being. You keep us all laughing with your perfect impressions and you inspire us with your harmonies. I deeply adore you more than you could ever imagine! Love, mama.”
Moses is one of Paltrow’s two children with ex-husband Chris Martin, of the band Coldplay. While big sister Apple has stepped slowly into the limelight (she made her solo front row debut at a Chanel show earlier this year and has made TikTok videos for her mom’s lifestyle empire Goop), Moses has mostly stayed out of the spotlight. But per his cameo in Paltrow’s 2018 New York Times profile, he’s apparently a very polite boy whose interests may be more in line with his rockstar father’s. Paltrow thinks he’ll grow up to be a musician as well. “He’s going to play AC/DC,” she told the Times about his music practice. “He keeps such good time.”
Moses was also caught up in his mother’s recent skiing accident trial, as he was with his mother during that infamous day (even though he was 9 years old at the time). While Paltrow’s team said Moses and his sister would have been ready to testify in person, they instead had their dispositions read aloud in court due to scheduling conflicts. “She was saying something along the lines of, ‘What the f-word. You just ran into me,’” Moses recalled his mother saying during the incident. Paltrow, of course, ended up winning the trial, along with her requested $1 and court costs.
As for anyone about to crack a joke that Paltrow will celebrate by putting Moses’s birthday candles in bone broth, Paltrow has been clear in the past that she doesn’t hold her children to her own eating habits. “You can’t tell them, ‘No Coke, no cake.’ It is not realistic,” Paltrow once told You magazine. “Their favorite foods are pasta and french fries. It’s about trying to augment that with something healthy.”