February Horoscopes: The Astro Poets Forecast Your Month of Love

The month of love won’t necessarily be a month of balance, and that’s actually a good thing. The full moon in Leo on February 9 will arrive with so much energy behind it, you’ll almost feel like you’re experiencing a new moon and not a time for reflection or letting go. The new moon itself will be on February 23, in Pisces, and allow for great vulnerability in your deep friendships and love life. The more radically vulnerable you are this month, the more energy you’ll get back from the world. Don’t be afraid—of love or anything else.
Yours in the stars and on Earth,
You may notice yourself being more cautious than usual at work and in whom you interact with. It will be a month of second-guessing and a lot of doubt. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but you will have to adjust your expectations in terms of what you consider progress. Allow yourself more space and time than usual with everything you approach professionally. Remember that in the end you’re someone who can push through and make things work. A lot of this pensive energy will come into your love life as well. That’s okay. An important person from the past will share something with you that will make you feel better about where things stand between you and them. Trust that.
If there is at least one thing people can say about you, it’s that you will never back down once you’ve decided on something. You have perseverance—that key quality that means you are in it for the long haul. This month will bring you plenty of opportunities to get lots of rewards for this strength, particularly when it comes to love. Someone you set your sights on a while ago will start to want to plan things with you. Maybe you should buy some plants together or join a community garden. Being next to things growing will spark your romantic side even more.
Feeling grounded is not easy for you, nor are you committed to staying there even when it happens. You will surprise yourself and achieve real balance this month. Part of this will have to do with learning lessons about a lot of wasted time (in the last half of last year) and the other part will be the planets finally giving you the energy and clarity toward pursuing a big goal. It will be more of a personal goal than a professional one. It will have to do with your emotional future, and it will have to do with love, though not necessarily romance. Keep the trusted fire signs in your life close to you. They are exactly who you need to be cheering you on and they understand your erratic nature more than most people.
You are someone who is always ready to be there when things get tough. You definitely want to be there for your friends when they’re having a hard time. And when things get tough at work or in your love life, you dig in and bring out a strength that surprises sometimes even you. This month will bring you luck. So, use your famous staying power to chase your dreams when the opportunities come around and put in the work when necessary. There will be lots of great things to come from this time and by the end of the month, something you never thought could happen will.
The first opportunity for a major career move will reveal itself to you this month. You won’t necessarily need to act on it, but you’ll begin to see things more clearly in terms of how you envision the future and what you want to prioritize professionally. Your friendships will also be tested and whatever guilt you’re feeling will be resolved (but not without some explosive drama). As usual, your heart is in the right place, but you’re projecting more confidence than you actually have. Even though this is a feeling you’re comfortable in, it isn’t one than serves you very well in your love life. People are already drawn to you. The more vulnerable you are, the more they will see you.
The last few months you have been taking care of some things that were long overdue. You will find this month healing and rejuvenating, as these loose ends, now tied up at least partially, will bring about necessary change. You will be in the mood to stay at home and you should listen to that. Don’t feel any pressure to appear to be the social butterfly you may not want to be right now. Your heart will be happiest being around someone dear to you. Lavish them with your most excessive attention. Love moves you to be your best self.
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Photo by Larissa Hofmann for W Magazine, Volume Eight 2019.
Photo by Tim Walker for W Magazine, Volume Six 2019.
Photo by Colin Dodgson for W Magazine, Volume Eight 2019.
Photo by Juergen Teller for W Magazine, Volume One 2020.
Photo by Tim Walker for W Magazine, Volume Five 2019.
Photo by Karim Sadli for W Magazine, Volume Eight 2019.
Photo by Nigel Shafran for W Magazine, Volume Seven 2019.
Photo by Willy Vanderperre for W Magazine, Volume One 2020.
Photo by Tim Walker for W Magazine, Volume Six 2019.
Photo by Angelo Pennetta for W Magazine, Volume Six 2019.
Photo by Willy Vanderperre for W Magazine, Volume Six 2019.
Photo by Robert Kulisek for W Magazine, Volume Eight 2019.
Photo by Willy Vanderperre for W Magazine, Volume One 2020.
You can miss out on a lot of life by dwelling on your own mind games. It’s part of your philosophical nature, but it’s also something you indulge too often. This month will require clear action and a directness you’re often shy to employ, whether at work or in your friendships and love life. The more blunt you are, the better you’ll feel. That doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll always get what you want. But if you put yourself and your intentions out there, you’ll see that more likely than not, people will return that same honesty back. There’s a lot to be said about grace, harmony, and achieving equilibrium—all things you’re good at and interested in. Sometimes to get there, however, you need to shoot a little more from the hip.
You always have lots of energy and this month is no exception. Usually you do best when you focus that attention on a particular thing, but this month you may be happiest when you allow it to be distributed in different areas. You will also find yourself looking towards the past. Don’t be scared to let nostalgia enter your dreamscape and to dream of a love long over. There may be the possibility for more with this person. And for sure there is always the possibility to reflect on why this past affair mattered to you. What is your life now missing? Go after that.
There will rarely be a time in your life you don’t see as transitional, and you need to make peace with that. It isn’t within your nature to be satisfied by material stability or emotional tepidness. You’ll be reminded of that this month, which will require you to keep your goals more private than usual but also closer to your heart. Many things you want professionally may seem far off, but they aren’t. Keep reminding yourself that everything is about the next right move—and the one after that, and the one after that, and so on. Which is to say, there isn’t an end really. Only you get to decide how much longer you’ll wander. And you do love to wander and feel free.
You are always resourceful and ready to share your knowledge of the way things work with your friends. This month will test who these people might be, so be careful not to overshare with people who may not have the purest intentions. Keep your real friends close and your heart even closer. Focus a good part of the month on research endeavors. Perhaps there is an obscure topic that fascinates you lately. Go after it! Even if it seems to not relate to your everyday life now, it’s likely to somehow influence your future.
In your season and at the height of your powers you will see that there are so many people rooting for you. You often have a hard time believing that because you have a hard time forgiving yourself. This will be a gentle month. The world will impress you again. You will feel childlike and approach even old friendships with a new kind of energy. Let yourself be whimsical and strange. Remember that stability is more or less a myth. And you’ve always been someone interested in rocking the boat or pursuing a less conventional path. Love is very much possible and near you. Don’t pretend like you don’t want to open the door. You do. You can admit that even in your fear.
You have been feeling quite content the last few weeks, and this month will be no exception. Relax and listen to your instincts. It’s definitely okay to be happy. You may be ready to celebrate a huge accomplishment that you have been working on for a while now. Again, don’t doubt your joy, and let yourself feel all of the feelings you deserve to feel. Friendship also figures highly this month, particularly a friend you’ve known for a long time. Remember the importance of the bonds of friendship love and don’t feel guilty devoting some real time hanging out with your buddies. Perhaps a getaway trip is in your future!
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