The Best Social Media Reactions to the 2023 Golden Globes

From the moment Jerrod Carmichael opened the Golden Globe Awards in Los Angeles on January 10 with the words “I’m here ‘cause I’m Black,” we knew the 80th annual ceremony would be filled with plenty of moments ripe for immortalization on the Internet. And, sure enough, the reactions came rolling in from the get-go: Jennifer Coolidge’s sprawling musings disguised as a presenter’s speech; discussion of Tom Cruise’s, er, religious leanings (just before his Top Gun costars Jay Ellis and Glen Powell took the stage); Austin Butler’s still-lingering Elvis impersonation. Every celebrity who did not attend the evening—of which there were a significant amount, no doubt due in part to the controversy still swirling around the Golden Globes—was fair game for jokes (not least among them: Cate Blanchett, with many noting that it was very Lydia Tár-esque to allow someone else to accept her Best Actress award on her behalf). It’s always a joy to see Angela Bassett’s stan army—which consists of celebrities and laypeople alike—come alive on Twitter, which it did, in spades, after she won Best Supporting Actress. And speaking of Jennifer Coolidge, the general consensus is that any awards show would do well to tap her as its host.
Any awards ceremony bears memorable bits for Hollywood posterity, but what really delivers each year are the reactions to to all the pageantry and brouhaha on stage. Below, some of our favorites.