Anya Taylor-Joy is a Certified Rave Girl

by Carolyn Twersky Winkler

Anya Taylor Joy is a Rave Girl
Photo by Paolo Roversi, Styled by Edward Enninful.

Anya Taylor-Joy has positioned herself as quite the enigma, a descriptor it seems she would be proud to hold. The actress is one of the most sought after of the moment, and she has cemented herself as a major face in the world of fashion, but she came to fame in a post-Instagram age. That means, instead of sharing her every move on social media like actors just five years older may do, her feed is filled mostly with glamour shots, alien-esque selfies, and the occasional behind-the-scenes photo. So, when she does open up and share a look into her life, it always seems slightly...shocking.

Take the latest piece of information the actress revealed in her recent cover story for British Vogue. Taylor-Joy discussed one of her preferred forms of meditation, which just so happens to be raving. The actress recalled her time living in Berlin, while filming The Queen’s Gambit when she would head to a club by herself at 11:30 in the morning. She would “dance until 8pm, not talk to anybody, then go home, have a bath, eat some spaghetti and wake up at 4 a.m. to go to work” on set. “I felt great,” she said.

So, Taylor-Joy is a rave girl it seems, though it might not be that simple. The actress’ description of her days out in Berlin contrast heavily to how she describes her relationship with musician and actor Malcolm McRae. “We’re basically 80 years old and seven at the same time and it works really well,” she said.

Taylor-Joy explained she looks at McRae as “her hobby,” a sentiment he loves. “He’s the same,” she said. “I’ve finally found someone who will happily sit in silence with me reading.” And Taylor-Joy’s love of lone clubbing seems to fit perfectly with her relationship and disinterest in the dating scene. She isn’t going out to find a mate, just have fun.

“I was not a good dater and I’m quite glad to not be,” she said. “I hear stories from my friends and I’m like, ‘God, I would suck at that.’” Of course, these days, Taylor-Joy doesn’t have to worry about awkward small talk over a bottle of wine or setting up a Raya profile that reflects her enigmatic personality, she has McRae. Unfortunately, thanks to Taylor-Joy’s crazy work schedule, she often goes a long time without seeing him, though she has found the silver lining even in that.

“When you’re together you’re really valuing the time that you have,” she said about the benefits of a long distance relationship. “Everyday mundane activities are so full of joy. I love going to the petrol station with him and filling up the car and going to get breakfast.” As for if he hits the clubs with her, it’s unclear.