Lyma Laser Review: Does a $2500 At-Home Device Actually Work?
The W editors put the tool—said to smooth fine lines and wrinkles and give skin a noticeable lift—to the test.

Here at W, we’ve tried all kinds of devices for this series—at-home microdermabrasion, microcurrents, and LED masks among them. The next logical step was to dabble in lasers, and we wanted to get our hands on the industry standard for at-home laser treatments: the Lyma laser. Priced at $2,499, this device is touted as something of a miracle tool. It can tighten, lift, and add shine to the skin, according to countless reviews from beauty editors. But does it actually work? Four editors put it to the test and recorded their honest opinions.
Maryam Lieberman, Beauty Contributor
How often do you integrate laser treatments into your beauty regimen?
When it comes to laser treatments at the derm’s office, I’m about as enthusiastic as a cat taking a bath—I just won’t do it anymore. I know my skin and how it reacts. I loathe the fact that I don’t have control over the application and get nervous about the long-term effects a strong laser can have on my skin. However, for at-home laser treatments where I have free reign, I’m actually an avid user. I can control how often I use them and I can gauge the results better than any doctor next morning, especially over an extended period.
What expectations or trepidations did you have ahead of using the Lyma Laser?
With the Lyma Laser, I had certain hesitations (as I always do) about how it will affect my melasma. But I spoke with Lyma’s founder Lucy Goff during an interview a few months prior to using the laser—she assured me it won’t affect scarring and will not increase any melasma, so I was game to check it out.
Describe your experience using the Lyma laser.
I used it for three months about 5-6 days a week. I like the fact that it’s light and easy to use. It almost looks like a chic flashlight. I dutifully applied the Lyma mist and serum as recommended and then used a super light moisturizer before starting the whole process. No tingling, no burning and no pain—it did take a while for me to work on all of the areas of the face because I wanted to be thorough. So I put on the last season of Peaky Blinders and lasered away with a mirror on the side of my bed. I take the Lyma supplements as well because they have a good dose of lycopene and I’m convinced that it helps ward off melasma when I’m in the sun.
Did you see results?
The stress of the pandemic has definitely kept me up at night, and done its damage on my complexion in its own way. Here is what I noticed—the laser lifted areas of my skin that have been falling in those months. I think the laser helped me tremendously and feel that there is some healing aspect to the blue lasers that made a visible change.
Would you use the laser again?
I stopped using it only because I had to try products for other stories. This is something I will go back to, especially during the summer. I think it’s the most effective at-home laser treatment to use after days at the beach or just out and about. It’s a nice healing, lifting tool for the face. It is expensive, but then again it’s probably ideal for women who spend that much on a few treatments a year anyway at the dermatologist’s office.
Christina Holevas, Senior Accessories and Jewelry Editor
Have you done a laser treatment before?
I have only received one laser treatment in the past, a laser facial. I have to admit, I was surprised by the results. The whole laser experience is a bit too abstract for me to wrap my head around. With a product like an acid or a serum it’s more tactile—you can feel it working. The laser I’ve had in the past is so quick and easy, it’s hard to believe that it’s doing anything. But I think it works! I was very excited to try the Lyma, but honestly, a little skeptical. My experience with at-home treatments is that you never really know if they’re doing anything.
Describe your experience using the Lyma laser.
I used the Lyma for almost three months. For me, the most challenging part was taking the time to do it 5-6 times per week. You do need to be committed to use this product. It’s not going to fit into a quick and easy beauty routine, because it does take a full 15 minutes per use, or even a little more, to get it right. I would describe my beauty routine as minimal on a good day, and downright lazy on a bad one, so I needed to push myself to do this. The fact that I was using this during the pandemic, and that I had a lot of downtime was definitely helpful. After overcoming my own laziness, the process is actually quite nice. You use a mist and a serum first and then essentially give yourself a nice face massage with the laser. There is not pain or discomfort at all. I can be sensitive to supplements, so I was too nervous to add something new to my routine. I didn’t take Lyma’s, but may try them in the future.
Did you see results?
I actually did see results from using this product. Once again, I am a reformed believer in the power of lasers. The change wasn’t in one particular spot: My skin just looked good. It felt more lifted and less dull. I can only imagine that results will be even better with continued use.
Would you use the laser again?
I would actually use this product again. As I write this, I am willing myself to recommit! It is very expensive and I would not recommend it to buyers who are not willing to put in the time. My advice would be to take an honest look at your routine before you spend the money, but you will see results.
Oona Wally, Senior Visuals Editor
Have you done a laser treatment before?
I have gotten laser treatments done at my dermatologist—and I’ve done laser hair removal. But other than those in-office treatments every so often, I’ve never really incorporated lasers into my beauty routine at home. However, I am interested in doing so, because I believe laser treatments need to be recurring. I’m not sure getting a laser put on my face once every six months at the facialist will have as much of an effect as something I do regularly.
Describe your experience using the Lyma laser. Did you see results?
I used the Lyma laser for about two months, five or six times a week, for 15 minutes each session. The results were slow, but noticeable: I saw my whole face lift, especially around my eyebrows and my jawline. My skin, which is usually dry, was much brighter and more luminous. That doesn’t happen every day! The differences I saw on my face weren’t the same as using something like a sheet mask or the latest moisturizing serum. The laser tightens your skin and gives it more of a sheen, which is amazing.
Would you use the laser again?
I would definitely use this product again—I will be using it tonight, in fact!
Maxine Wally, Senior Digital Editor
How often do you integrate laser treatments into your beauty regimen?
One time, a facialist hovered a pair of red and blue LED lights over my forehead and chin. Does that count?
What expectations or trepidations did you have ahead of using the Lyma Laser?
To be quite honest, I was super skeptical about the efficacy of the Lyma laser. I saw some before and after photos beauty editors had published in previous reviews, and while their faces looked luminous and firmed up, I was hoping the device would lighten up a sun spot that I have on my cheek, and wasn’t sure it would produce results. Plus, I have a tendency to not use beauty products correctly (lol) and the laser’s multistep instructions intimidated me. When I received the thing in the mail, I thought, oh god. I’m going to screw up using this device from top to bottom.
Describe your experience using the Lyma laser. Did you see results?
After using this laser every day for a few months, I found that my initial apprehensions were pretty baseless. I watched YouTube video after YouTube video to familiarize myself with the process and make sure I wouldn’t mess up. First, three spritzes of the active mist; then, a few pumps of the priming serum, and lastly, 15 minutes of rubbing the Lyma laser all over my face. After that, I placed it over my sun spot for a few minutes. After the second month or so, I started feeling a difference around my cheeks—the skin was tighter and my face, overall, looked like it had more vitality. I didn’t notice a difference in my sun spot, but I could have just been using the laser wrong...
Would you use this device again?
I absolutely would, but I do feel the high price tag is limiting. I understand this is a professional-grade laser, but I wish this kind of tool—and its incredible results—were available to all customers.
This article was originally published on