Your Clever Women’s March Protest Sign Might Be In a Museum Soon

If you were one of the millions who marched in Saturday’s worldwide Women’s March, you participated in something that will probably be written about in American history books for generations to come. After all, it was reportedly one of the largest demonstrations ever to take place in the U.S. Therefore, museums and libraries across the planet have taken it upon themselves to round up protest signs that marchers proudly carried this weekend, and hot damn, we saw so many brilliant, hilarious and inspiring ones that are no doubt museum-worthy.
As The Cut points out, several of these organizations have taken to Twitter to acquire the best of the posters. While some museums put out a call for signs on the social platform, others posted that they would take signs that were abandoned after the marches were over—many Washington, D.C. marchers left their signs in front of the White House while others dumped theirs in front of various Trump-owned buildings.
The Bishopsgate Institute in London announced it was looking for signs, for instance…
…And Chicago‘s Newberry Library is collecting protest materials, including signs or anything else significant from the march.
But History Workshop, a London-based online magazine, is hoping to collect something less tangible from people who attended the march: their stories.
Philadelphia’s Temple University is reportedly collecting signs for its archives…
…And so is the Royal Alberta Museum.
Perhaps most importantly, the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History in Washington has been collecting artifacts from this past election season since the February 2016 Iowa Caucus. The museum posted on Twitter that its curatorial team was at the National Mall this weekend during both the inauguration and the Women’s March.
While none of the above places have announced precisely what they’ll be doing with the signs, at the very least, it’s nice to know that many of the posters will be preserved. And hey, maybe this is a sign (pun intended) that the Women’s March will not be forgotten anytime soon.
The Best Signs from the Women’s March Around the World
Women’s March in New York City.
Women’s March in New York City.
Women’s March in Washington D.C.
Women’s March in Washington D.C.
Women’s March in New York City.
Women’s March in New York City.
Women’s March in Washington D.C.
Women’s March in Paris.
Women’s March in New York City.
Women’s March in Paris.
Women’s March in New York City.
Women’s March in Washington D.C.
Women’s March in New York City.
Women’s March in New York City.
Women’s March in Paris.
Women’s March in New York City.
Women’s March in New York City.
Women’s March in New York City.
Women’s March in Washington D.C.
Women’s March in Washington D.C.
Women’s March in Washington D.C.
Women’s March in Washington D.C.
Women’s March in New York City.
Women’s March in Washington D.C.
Women’s March in Washington D.C.
Women’s March in Washington D.C.
Women’s March in Paris.
Women’s March in Washington D.C.
Women’s March in Washington D.C.
Women’s March in Washington D.C.
Meet the Activists Behind the Women’s March in Washington: