It Was Only a Matter of Time Before Roberto Rossellini Stepped in Front of the Camera
The son of iconic actress Isabella Rossellini, Roberto was initially resistant to a career in fashion. Now, he’s embraced it wholeheartedly — right down to his beauty and fitness routine. Here, get a glimpse at his grooming routine.

If there was one thing that struck Roberto Rossellini, son of actress Isabella and grandson of director Roberto, during his debut photoshoot, a spread in At Large magazine, it was the team’s wholehearted embrace of his hair. “I could be more myself in the shoot,” he explained. “My hair is cool — but it’s crazy…They were having fun with it, playing with it.” A relative newcomer to fashion, Rossellini signed with Ford Models over the summer, following (initially somewhat reluctantly) in the footsteps of his mother and elder sister, Elettra Rossellini Wiedemann, the model, socialite, and food writer. He’s possessed of a bright blue-green stare and an unruly head of hair dotted with beads and charms, a look that’s quickly becoming his trademark. Here, the latest Rossellini to step in front of the camera shares the grooming and fitness routine that got him camera ready this year.
Your look in three words: Dark, elegant, playful.
What you’re reading, watching, and listening to right now: I am watching some cool new anime called Drifters. I have also started watching my mom’s new Hulu original series Shut Eye. As far as what I’ve been listening to, it would be a lot of rap artists currently such as: Yung Lean, Bladee, Tycho, Ecco2k, Ab-Soul. The list goes on. I am not reading anything right now but wouldn’t mind a good recommendation.
Medicine cabinet snapshot: I do not use many except sometimes some Aesop.
Shaving miracles: Love the Versace aftershave cream. It works wonders.
Sheet mask or mud mask: Haven’t done any, could be fun.
Beauty from the inside out: I stay on a very big protein diet. Chicken, rice, salads, steak.
Exercise obsession: I work out at home primarily.
Drink of choice: Don’t drink many protein shakes but I love orange juice.
Must-have on set during a shoot: Some water and music.
Travel essentials: Camera bag, cell phone, Nintendo 3DS.
Product that you borrow from the girls: None.
A man should smell like: Hermès, Versace Eros, Giorgio Armani (Aqua di Gio.)
Dream collaborators: Would love to work with Bruce Weber as a photographer. He is incredible. Would love Bill Mullen and Paul Sinclaire to style.
Definite doppelgänger: I do not know if I have one.
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