Chris Hemsworth On Face Masks, Working Out, and Finally Saying Goodbye to the Avengers

As Thor in the Marvel Universe, Chris Hemsworth has traveled the galaxy. But for his latest project, he stayed a little closer to home and his natural habitat: the beach, where he shot his latest fragrance campaign for BOSS Bottled Infinite. And when speaking to Hemsworth by phone in late June, he happens to be on his way there once again. “It is Friday in Australia,” he says. “I just dropped the kids off at school and maybe I’ll have a little surf and a little training and then I’ll pick them up and let the madness of the weekend begin. I’ll have to wrangle them, the whole thing.” The actor’s chaotic weekend ahead is perhaps the antithesis of the campaign, which sees Hemsworth as a so-called “Man of Today,” who finds balance in his life through reflection and reconnecting with nature. Here, Hemsworth talks about finding balance in his own life, his daily grooming routine, and saying goodbye to the Avengers.
What was shooting this particular campaign like?
It was great. We were able to get outside and explore the landscape and reconnect. It was closer to home for me, being the ocean, and I think that can resonate with a lot of people—leaving the office space and getting more in touch with nature. It was a really fun shoot and I’m really pleased with how it turned out.
How do you get in the mindset to put on your fragrance campaign face?
[Laughs]. Um, I’m not sure that I do. I sort of have to approach it like any shoot; “What is the creative? What’s the message?” And making sure the director has the same vision. But a lot of people from Hugo Boss have had this creative direction for awhile, and this is quite a different turn from what we’ve done. It basically was a message about a sense of grounding and focus.
When it comes to the fragrance itself, what draws you to a particular scent?
There’s a relaxed quality, which I appreciate. There’s nothing too overpowering. There’s nothing worse than something that is overly obtrusive. I like the fact that I can wear it on any occasion and I’m not going to alert everyone about what scent I’m wearing.
Do you wear fragrance every day?
Nah. I’m on the coastline and I spend a lot of time surfing. If I’m traveling, there’s a bit more of dressing up with premieres and so on, so then I’ll travel with some. But when I’m just home with the kids, less is more. Especially when you’re surfing, you don’t want to be paddling out and having people turning their heads and wondering what that smell is about.
What is your daily grooming routine like at home?
I’ve been doing a lot of cold water therapy, which I’ve found to be fantastic, especially through the winter months because the water is getting colder and colder. It’s pretty intense but it certainly gives me a little kick of energy in the morning. There’s all sorts of health benefits to it, just with your immune system and getting the mechanics of the body going. If I’m feeling stiff or sore from working out a lot, I might start with a hotter shower and finish with the intense cold for a minute or two. It puts a spring in my step in a good way.
What products do you use?
I take off my wife’s shelf. She uses a lot of La Mer products, which is great. I use a bit of coconut oil and have a few hair products that shape my hair pretty well. But, it’s pretty minimal. Especially at work, when they are adding makeup, your skin needs a rest. So I keep it minimal when I’m not working.
How do you reboot your skin after a big job that required a lot of makeup? Do you use face masks?
I don’t think I’ve ever used a face mask. Actually, someone put something on me recently that was some sort of aloe vera, cold thing that rested on your face, but it wasn’t a facial. It was just this thing that sat on your skin. But I can’t say I’ll be going back to that anytime soon.
What do you do to decompress when you have a moment to yourself?
Usually some pretty intense physical activity. I know that sounds like a bit of a contradiction, but I find to get out of my head and into my body via training and surfing is the best way to clear my head, especially if I’m jet lagged. Sitting on a couch watching TV is worse for me.
When you are on-set and traveling, where is the strangest place you’ve found yourself exercising?
Just on the side of the set—or in the middle. I’ll do some pushups or sit-ups and a few lunges and so on. I used to feel self-conscious about it and now I’ve realized that no one really cares. If what you’re doing allows you to be more efficient once the cameras are rolling, then they’ll be pretty open to it.
Do ever coerce your co-stars to join in?
To be honest, I think a lot of people do it. Especially, if it’s an intense scene. A lot more people than you’d think.
Do you get to have time off now that press for Men In Black: International and Avengers has wrapped?
I’m taking a good six months off. Having MIB and Avengers close together was very intense. I found myself finishing Avengers and instead of really soaking up that moment, I was thinking about the next job. I wanted to remove that way of thinking, and I’m trying to sit with it all now and reflect on it all. I couldn’t be happier with how everything has turned out. Being a part of any form of success is about reflection and resetting yourself and just sitting with it and having a sense of stillness.