Artists’ Campaign Posters Are Taking Over the Streets, Just in Time For the Election
The likes of Maurizio Cattelan, Marcel Dzama, and Nicole Eisenman are taking matters into their own hands.

We’re deep in the throes of one of the most charged election seasons in American history, and W tapped 15 artists to dream up their own take on campaign posters for the November Art Issue. But the medium is the message, and since voting this year is arguably more important than ever, it was about time their slogans hit the streets. In the last two weeks, the posters have cropped up everywhere in the neighborhoods of New York, and are even spreading across the coast to L.A. There was even a mobile, Jemima Kirke-adorned billboard chugging its way around Miami — and right past a Trump campaign rally. See them in the wild, here. And don’t forget to vote on Tuesday.